
Showing posts from October, 2019

Minnesota Unions Losing Members in wake of Janus Decision

The 2018 Janus Decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), has uncovered just how much support the Public Sector Employee Unions actually have. Since the Janus v AFSCME ruling (see below) membership in Minnesota Publics Employee Unions has plummeted. Average loss is in the 50% range, although one Teamster 320 group reportedly has only 33 members out of a unit of over 100. The rest have either opted out or not joined. It's no surprise. As reported previously by us , AFSCME Council 5 Executive Director John Westmoreland resigned amidst charges of misconduct. Teamsters 320 Boss Brian Aldes has ties to Federally Indicted Chicago Teamster Boss John Coli, and Brian has supported the UAW even as the Feds prepare RICO charges against them. But SCOTUS didn't rule in favor of Janus because of ties to corruption, but as a violation of First Amendment Free Speech. Public Employee Unions regularly support candidates whose positions are in stark contrast to member

320 Boss Brian Aldes ties to more corruption?

Westmoreland and Aldes In our last post we related the ties between Federally Indicted Chicago Union Boss John Coli and  Teamsters Local 320 Boss Brian Aldes. Now we learn that Brian Aldes other close friend,   John Westmoreland has suddenly 'resigned'   after being suspended from AFSCME Council 5. Rumor has it Brian Aldes and Teamsters Local 320 Recording - Secrtary, Erik Skoog are more than a little nervous. First their Central Region 'associate' John Coli Federally indicted, then   UAW raids   by the Feds leading up to RICO charges, now John Westmoreland. Brian Aldes (far right) There is an old saying, birds of a feather flock together, In 1989 the Teamsters were so corrupt they were placed under Federal Supervision called a Consent Decree. The Consent Decree has wound down (Obama's parting gift) and Bosses like Aldes and Coli wasted no time. There was a day that Teamsters Local 320 was under Federal Trusteeship. I'd hate to see that happen again. T

Teamsters Local 320 Brian Aldes tied to indicted Chicago Boss Coli?

Word on the street is indicted Teamsters Boss John Coli has struck a plea deal with the Feds. The   Chicago Sun Times   is reporting: "Though he faces up to eight years in prison, his cooperation could land him a sentence of less than two years. Chief U.S. District Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer agreed to hold off on sentencing Coli until that cooperation is complete." Brian Aldes Sources tell the Secret Truth that, that singing leads all the way to Teamsters Local 320, possibly including   Secretary - Treasurer Brian Aldes . The Secret Truth is that like all cornered rats, Coli's singing to save his hide. No other rats are safe.