We should believe them why?

There's a 'crisis,' and it's being exploited by the usual culprits. For years we were told: *We need denser housing. *Less parking and more public transportation. Busses, trains etc. Streets were narrowed for bike paths. Parking became scarce and expensive. Light rail trains appeared which soon doubled as nighttime homeless shelters. Cities like Minneapolis with their 2040 plan now allow multiple houses on one city lot. The goal was being achieved. Then came the Chinese Wuhan virus. Now it's: Social distance. Stay home. Avoid public transportation. Busses and trains must not run at night so they can be decontaminated . Which is best for us all knowing Social Planners? And now that the crisis is supposedly here, they say, 'This is no time for politics.' *Yet Nancy Pelosi tried to tack Planned Parenthood abortion funding to the Corona Virus relief bill. *An Illinois Mayor signed an Executive order banning the sale of Guns a...