Why does Brian Aldes, Teamster 320 support genocide candidates?
There was a recent vote in the House of Representatives on a motion to condemn the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 million Christians in Turkey.
The motion passed 405-11. Oddly Teamster 320 supported Representative Omar was one of three to vote 'present.'
Present! Couldn't even have a position on GENOCIDE! Not to worry the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) backs her up mid-article!
Jaylani Hussein, who leads the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, defended Omar’s track record on human rights. Hussein argued that as a refugee, Omar is uniquely qualified to understand the complexities of such issues.
“She’s a champion of human rights, and this vote in no way is any different than what she’s been doing,” he said. “We need to hold up all human rights violations whether now or in the past, with the same respect and dignity for all humans regardless of where these atrocities are committed and who commits them. I think that’s what she is trying to imply in her vote.”- Star Tribune
What? A champion of Human Rights by remaining silent when it's a genocide of a religion other than your own?
Equally disturbing is the fact that Bran Aldes and Teamsters 320 haven't withdrawn their support!But it's no wonder when he's getting advice from the likes of Democrat Socialist, Gus Froemke.
The Secret Truth is that Brian Aldes and Teamsters 320 silence on this is just as deafening.
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