Why did rioters burn DC AFLCIO Building and not Teamsters DC Offices?

Rioters burned the AFLCIO building in Washington DC , it was ransacked and burned. Why? 
The AFLCIO has been known to side with left leaning labor causes. Perhaps that wasn't enough for the mob.

Yet nearby is the Teamsters building. Why was this untouched? Or more appropriately untorched?
Possibly because much of ANTIFA are Teamsters! No?

Look no further than Teamsters 320 in Minneapolis. Their Communications and Legislative Director is Gus Froemke. Gus proudly refers to himself on his website "A New Country Forward," as a supporter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and has their symbol and a link to their website. In the DSA 'About Us' link under Article II PURPOSE they state, "We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit...'

Many of the DSA folk are ANTIFA. They were one of the main groups rioting and burning our cities. 
They even encourage their members to get involved with their Anti Fascist Working Group! (ANTIFA) btw which was just declared a domestic terror organization.

The Secret Truth is the Teamsters Building in DC was untouched because they are full of Antifa supporting Gus Froemke's. Of course Gus is just a Union Thug, not our words, his! But don't worry Froemke's DSA is raising money to bail out the rioters burning our cities.


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