Education Minnesota President Denise Specht uses race to stay home!

A Pioneer Press article featuring Education Minnesota President Denise Specht, is rife with errors, misstatements and downright racism.

Here's part of the numbers game. The article states, "Education Minnesota says 49 percent of respondents would prefer to do their jobs remotely instead of teaching in-person. Among educators of color, that figure was nearly 60 percent."

Let me translate, the majority of teachers, 51%, want to go back to work. Why are teachers opinions broken down by race? Does some educators color have more weight in a survey than others? Which colors have more weight and which have less? And more importantly, Why?

Fact: Children of essential employees have been in Daycare since the outset of the shutdowns. Essential employees are exposed to everyone at risk. Neither the children, nor the daycare workers have had an outbreak of the Covid. Daycares are full of unmasked, snot nosed kids tumbling all over each other.

If daycare workers can go to work, so can teachers in a much more controlled environment. Although this speaks volumes to the fact that kids are healthier left in their natural state. Unmasked, playing and learning with no distance.

The Secret Truth is: Education Minnesota President Denise Specht is more interested in politics and playing the race card than teaching our children.


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