AFLCIO planning a coup?

Jacobin Magazine is reporting in an article titled: 

A General Strike to Stop Trump? Some Unions Are Saying It’s Time.

"The Rochester, New York labor council recently resolved to “prepare for and enact a general strike of all working people” if Trump tries to steal the election. The rest of the labor movement needs to pay attention — labor can help stop an authoritarian power grab if unions start making plans right now....

"In late September, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka asserted that labor should “stand ready to do our part to ensure his defeat in this election is followed by his removal from office.” And on October 8, the labor council in Rochester, New York resolved to call “on the National AFL-CIO, all of its affiliate unions, and all other labor organizations in the United States of America to prepare for and enact a general strike of all working people, if necessary, to ensure a Constitutionally mandated peaceful transition of power as a result of the 2020 Presidential Elections."

Sounds like the AFLCIO won't accept a Trump victory. General strikes are illegal. Employers can fire workers participating.

Further the same Unions wanting to defund the police, are supporting communist BLM and violent ANTIFA. AFSCME, Education MN and their parent union the American Federation of Teachers are all complicit and willing to use their members like pawns.

The Secret Truth is the Teachers Union and AFLCIO are enemies of our Republic and view their members as tools to use and discard.


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