Biden's slow response to Hispanics in need

 Texas has been shut down by frigid cold for days. Power out literally for millions of people. Pipes burst, no plumbing and food and warm shelter in short supply.

Joe Biden made a lot of promises to the Hispanic community. Texas is home to over 11 million Hispanics.

It took Joe 6 days, 6 days to even call Governor Abbot and offer FEMA assistance!

They offered 60 generators for a State taking up one quarter of the size of the Continental United States. Oh and some bottled water.

Where is Biden's priority? Washington DC where over 5,000 troops are stationed to protect the White House from imaginary threats. How much more could those troops do in Texas? Building shelter, providing food, medicine water? 

The optics are terrible.

C'mon man, The Secret Truth is Joe Biden only cares about Hispanics when it's election time.


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