
Biden's slow response to Hispanics in need

 Texas has been shut down by frigid cold for days. Power out literally for millions of people. Pipes burst, no plumbing and food and warm shelter in short supply. Joe Biden made a lot of promises to the Hispanic community. Texas is home to over 11 million Hispanics. It took Joe 6 days, 6 days to even call Governor Abbot and offer FEMA assistance! They offered 60 generators for a State taking up one quarter of the size of the Continental United States. Oh and some bottled water. Where is Biden's priority? Washington DC where over 5,000 troops are stationed to protect the White House from imaginary threats. How much more could those troops do in Texas? Building shelter, providing food, medicine water?  The optics are terrible. C'mon man, The Secret Truth is Joe Biden only cares about Hispanics when it's election time.

The importance of whistleblowers Assange and Snowden.

Whistleblowers play a large part in a free society. Edward Snowden sacrificed his ability to live in the U.S. to alert us to the massive government spying apparatus being used against U.S. citizens. An apparatus that has since been used by the deep state to spy on a Presidential Campaign and a sitting President.  Julian Assange published documents given to him that showed corruption of world leaders, and it has so far cost him 10 years of his life. Currently he is being held because the United States deep state wants to try him for simply publishing documents given to him, no different then what the NY Times did with the Pentagon papers during the Vietnam War. Whistle blowers uncovered the corruption of the United Auto Workers Union (UAW) that resulted in Federal Corruption charges. Whistleblowers pay a high price to let the rest of us know when we are being taken advantage of by people in power. That is why I call on  President Trump to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. 

AFLCIO planning a coup?

Jacobin Magazine is reporting in an article titled:  A General Strike to Stop Trump? Some Unions Are Saying It’s Time. "The Rochester, New York labor council recently resolved to “prepare for and enact a general strike of all working people” if Trump tries to steal the election. The rest of the labor movement needs to pay attention — labor can help stop an authoritarian power grab if unions start making plans right now.... " In late September, AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka  asserted that   labor should “stand ready to do our part to ensure his defeat in this election is followed by his removal from office.” And on October 8, the labor council in Rochester, New York resolved to call “on the National AFL-CIO, all of its affiliate unions, and all other labor organizations in the United States of America to prepare for and enact a general strike of all working people, if necessary, to ensure a Constitutionally mandated peaceful transition of power as a result of the 2020 Presi

AFSCME Council 5 & Council 65 along with Teachers Unions team up against Law Enforcement!

Teamsters supporting anti-LEO BLM   The AFLCIO, AFSCME, SEIU and NEA are all supporting BLM and their efforts to break police Unions. They are teaming up to support anti-police candidates like John Thompson in Saint Paul, MN. Infamous for threatening to burn the city of Hugo while protesting outside the home of the President of the Minneapolis Police Federation! They are planning on continuing efforts to walk off of their jobs in support of BLM. This is a blatant violation of their contracts and could result in mass firings.  BLM is a main driver behind breaking police unions. If I were a Minnesota Cop or Corrections officer I'd doubt AFSCME had my back! From The Guardian's article, " It's time to kick police unions out of the labor movement. They aren't allies : " Lee Saunders is the head of AFSCME, the most powerful public sector union in the AFL-CIO, which represents 1.4 million state and local government workers, including some cops. In an  op-ed  this wee

Education Minnesota President Denise Specht uses race to stay home!

A Pioneer Press article featuring  Education Minnesota President Denise Specht, is rife with errors, misstatements and downright racism. Here's part of the numbers game. The article states, " Education Minnesota says 49 percent of respondents would prefer to do their jobs remotely instead of teaching in-person. Among educators of color, that figure was nearly 60 percent ." Let me translate, the majority of teachers, 51%, want to go back to work. Why are teachers opinions broken down by race? Does some educators color have more weight in a survey than others? Which colors have more weight and which have less? And more importantly, Why? Fact: Children of essential employees have been in Daycare since the outset of the shutdowns. Essential employees are exposed to everyone at risk. Neither the children, nor the daycare workers have had an outbreak of the Covid. Daycares are full of unmasked, snot nosed kids tumbling all over each other. If daycare workers can go to work, s

Unions destroying Union Protection

Bill McCarthy MN AFL-CIO We are watching a strange event in organized labor. The larger Unions like the AFLCIO, AFSCME and Education Minnesota are all calling for the resignation of the head of the Minneapolis Police Federation. Lefties going after "the police" is not new. Going after their Union Representation is! It get's worse, they not only want to make an elected Union Representative resign, they want to remove any Union Protections from all law enforcement. That's right, NO UNIONS for law enforcement. They want due process eliminated and a public employee to be simply fired as if they were non-union! Here's some of the main players: AFLCIO MN AFLCIO AFSCME Council 5  Education Minnesota MAPE MNA (MN Nurses Association) The Secret Truth is, if they have their way they will weaken all Public Sector Unions. We would encourage any members of the above Unions to Opt Out Today of your Union Membership! They don't support labor, they support causes.

Why did rioters burn DC AFLCIO Building and not Teamsters DC Offices?

Rioters burned the AFLCIO building in Washington DC , it was ransacked and burned. Why?  The AFLCIO has been known to side with left leaning labor causes. Perhaps that wasn't enough for the mob. Yet nearby is the Teamsters building. Why was this untouched? Or more appropriately untorched? Possibly because much of ANTIFA are Teamsters! No? Look no further than Teamsters 320 in Minneapolis. Their Communications and Legislative Director is Gus Froemke . Gus proudly refers to himself on his website " A New Country Forward ," as a supporter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and has their symbol and a link to their website. In the DSA 'About Us' link under Article II PURPOSE they state, "We are socialists because we reject an economic order based on private profit...' Many of the DSA folk are ANTIFA. They were one of the main groups rioting and burning our cities.  They even encourage their members to get involved with their Anti Fascist Working G